Style and Tone
Equality and Themes
Content Warning: contains intimate descriptions of nether corruption
I saw it in my dreams. Ashley –notAshley reaching forward with tentacles of icky darkness and
possessive and mine mine mine you’re mine no I’m not I’m me I’m mine you can’t have me I’m me I’m mine-
touching me, writhing, wriggling into my tether and corrupting and possessing and
mine mine mine you’re mine no I’m not you can’t have me I’m mine not yours I’m me I’m mine-
into my head, and I could see, see the Ashley-notAshley and its
darkness-not darkness half-light and shadows-notshadows and weird and wrong and
tether and ownership, how it owned me,
but I’m me you can’t have me I’m me mine mine mine everything is mine
and what owned it, a six winged, angry shadow-notshadow twisted thing that looked a bit like Mastima but wasn’t even though it once was and
you’re mine I own you I own everything this world is mine mine mine like all worlds and everything no I’m me I’m mine you can’t have me you can’t have it we won’t let you I’m me I’m mine you can’t have me or us or the Earth or Aether we won’t let you mine mine mine everything is mine
what owned it, a dark and terrible thing
mine no mine I’m me mine I’m mine mine you mine can’t have me mine I’m mine me I’m mine mine you own you can’t have me I’m mine no no no you can’t have me everything is mine you can’t have this world we won’t let you you can’t stop me, you’re mine no I’m not I’m me I’m mine you can’t own me I’m me I’m Layla you can’t have me mine
beyond comprehension,
larger beyond belief,
A whole world filled with possessiveness and the need to make everything
and I seal it in a box, except it’s not in a box I’m in a box and its around me, like a chest of consciousness at the bottom of an ocean of
mineminemine no you can’t have me mineminemine no I’m me I’m mine you can’t have me mine
Nyx, and it wants in and I want out but I can’t because then it will own me and I don’t want it I’m me
and I’m mine
no, you’re mine
and I don’t want to let it in
yes you do
because I like being me
but being mine is so much better
and I’d rather be mine
no you wouldn’t, you just don’t know it yet
even though I’m truly not
see? You’re mine
no I’m not I’m Layla Tov I belong to my family and humanity and you’re not welcome