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A recent party held in the wilds of Dartmoor was catastrophically interrupted by the appearance of what have been reported as wild dogs, though descriptions range from mutts to demonic hounds. Lead singer of the Rock band Dies Irae, known as Vitreus was reportedly seen struck by lightning mid-performance, and is presumed dead.
Police are canvassing for witnesses as they try to explain what is being referred to as a freak attack.
The crime wave which has been swelling up across the UK has finally hit London. Similar patterns are being seen as have occurred across the country, but the sudden spikes of major crime have not yet followed. However, officials believe that it is only a matter of time until these most drastic actions come to the capital.
Residents of the City of Bath, have been reporting minor Earthquake events throughout the city. These sort of events have not been seen in greater than half a decade, and are rare across the UK as a whole. No official comment has been made on the scientific significance of the events.
Bourton-on-the-Water, a Cotswold village known informally as the 'Venice of the Cotswolds,' has been completely destroyed. No structure has been left standing taller than five metres high, the river has broken its banks, flooding the surrounding region, and those confirmed deceased number in the hundreds, still rising every day. Emergency services have been working tirelessly to help anyone they can, but the village itself has been almost completely wiped from the map.
The one responsible for this calamity is a monstrous Celestial bearing a close resemblance to the reported appearance of the Demon designated “Unknown-616.” Who could have summoned such a being, and to what end, remain a mystery to all.
Details are sparse at this time, but word has reached the police of a tragic death in a scientific facility owned by the Anna Filing Institute. Apparently the shock death occurred as part of what was considered 'ordinary, harmless' research. The head of research planning and approval at the Institute went on record to say: 'We are all shocked and aggrieved by this freak accident, and will be reviewing this case thoroughly to see how it could possibly have occurred. We will share more details once we can.'
Breaking news: a body has been found in Coombe Alley, site of the notorious Coombe Alley Murders. Police have yet to confirm whether or not this body is connected to the serial killings that took place almost a decade ago, but if so, it will be the 12th victim claimed by the Coombe Alley Killer. Early reports suggests that the locals are very distressed by this development.
Mellifluous Algernon, writer of the obscure children's classic Mr Bumpus Meets a Wumpus, who went missing from the UK nearly 40 years ago, has been found, supposedly living in some sort of tower in the wilderness. 'I'm sorry I ever returned to this rain-lashed, piss poor excuse for a country', Algernon, known to his friends as 'the Ripe' purportedly said on his historic return to the land of his birth.
Following on from some recent research efforts, the Society for the Promotion of Ancient Magical History has made their research on ancient sites in the Middle East publicly available. Ths notably includes images of the tablets that they reported stolen, believed to be of angelic origin.
Alex Heale, in an interview, reported that they are a part of a society promoting ancient magical history, and as such did not want to lock their research away. 'Besides,' they said. 'With Lucy – with the foremost expert in Celestial languages now gone, we need all the help we can get if we actually want to translate them.'
The images are now available, with annotations, for anyone to peruse as desired.
5 people were rescued in the North Sea after their barge was sunk by a terrible storm in the area. The storm was unusually bad for the area, and only lasted around an hour before dying down. The coast guard were able to recover the victims, and there were no major injuries sustained.
Three large cargo vessels have gone missing en route to Antarctica, in the wake of reports of unusual activity from within the continent's huge storm system. Transmissions were last received from each vessel several days ago, with no immediate problems reported. The final communication from HMS Greenshanks, however, is little more than noise; it is currently being analysed by the British Navy. Communication with the Halley Research Station also appears to have been lost.
Unfortunately a something appears to have left the Carlisle and Keswick Rotary Club Annual Ball and cut a bloody path through the English countryside, heading down towards Salisbury. Rumours of demon summoning and the wrath of Beelzebub are flying around the magical community.
There have been several instances of disappearances in Paris last month. Victims were usually out walking alone after dark, sometimes near graveyards or the river. Fanciful reports speak of pairs of mirrors and silver daggers being found abandoned in nearby locations.
'Lack of interest' in death of Kelly Smith, apparently. 'No case to answer' against the mob of killers. Just why is it that happenings linked to magic are of no interest to the wider community? And what would be the consequences if they were?
A brand new house build by BTB has just collapsed on the first day the new owners moved in. The body of a woman was retrieved from the rubble: with no family coming forward to claim her, a public memorial is to be held on Saturday. BTB are being blamed for the needless death.